Dr. Erika Vinczer
BDS, BScDent (Hons), MDSc (Endo), FICD
Practice Principal / Endodontist
Dr. Erika Vinczer is the Practice owner and Endodontist at Endodontic Solutions. The practice aims to provide a positive customer experience through the core values of commitment to quality, trust, loyalty and ultimate dedication to patients’ needs.
Erika’s professional journey started at the age of 15, when she realised that a career path in the dental field was right for her. The ability to use her hands at work, attending to detail and a strong desire to help people in a scientifically based profession inspired her decision to commence undergraduate studies in dentistry. In 1991 Erika graduated from the University of Adelaide with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Bachelor of Science in Dentistry (Honours- Physiology) (BScDent-Hons) and thereupon commenced her career.
Her extensive career history has been significant in shaping her skill set, values and personality. Erika was appointed as an Army Dental Officer, serving in the military for 16 years, before venturing out on her own. She has worked and lived in Victoria, Brisbane, Sydney and various regional areas of Australia, as well as overseas, in the Solomon Islands. During that time her clinical experience was further enhanced by working in private practice.
After nine years of having gained valuable clinical experience as a general dentist, Erika continued her professional education by specialising in Endodontics. She undertook postgraduate studies (MDSc-Endo) through the University of Queensland, completing them in 2003 and she continues to expand her professional education regularly, through specialist practitioner courses.
Erika has been actively involved in teaching dental students at both the University of Queensland and the University of Adelaide, where she is still currently involved in Endodontic teaching. She held the position of Undergraduate Endodontic course coordinator at the University of Adelaide from 2007 to 2011. Erika has presented to dentists locally and nationally and enjoys nothing more than stimulating dental professional’s knowledge and endodontic experience!
Erika is the current President of the South Australian Branch of the Australian Society of Endodontology, is a member on the Australian Dental Association (ADA), Practice Support Committee and is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Endodontists (ANZAE). She has been a member of the Dental Board of South Australia (2007-2010) and the Regional Committee of the Dental Board of Australia (2010-2011). With great honour, in 2010 Erika was nominated and inducted as Fellow of the International College of Dentists.
In conversation, Erika has many stories to share and people may be surprised to know she has co-piloted an aircraft, has been on board the Young Endeavour and enjoys volunteering. She is a keen traveler, a lover of the outdoors and is not afraid to try something new and challenging! Patients, colleagues and friends all agree that Erika also has a strong nurturing side to her persona. This is evident not only by her patient care but her commitment to educating future dental professionals and helping them succeed in any way possible.
Dental professionals can meet Erika through the practice, University, any of the societies she is a member of or through her speaking engagements. To obtain further information or connect professionally with Erika, please feel free to visit her profile.
Level 3, 25 King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Endodontic Solutions Pty Ltd
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