Following your endodontic treatment, you may experience a range of different sensations which are due to your tooth's natural healing response. The healing process may take some time that will vary depending on the pre-treatment condition of the tooth. Please be patient with this process as it can take several weeks or occasionally longer for full resolution of symptoms. Please contact us if you experience any new or recurring symptoms following endodontic treatment.
Your Endodontist will equip you with a personalised care plan to assist you with your healing process post treatment. Tips for after treatment care may be found here.
We follow the infection control guidelines outlined by the Dental Board of Australia and Australian Dental Association. These include single use items (where possible), such as the endodontic files used for your treatment. These are discarded once your treatment is complete. Where items are able to be sterilised this is done using a multi-step procedure that is validated using latest technology to ensure that any remnants of bacteria, viruses and other infectious agents are killed.
We also undertake standard precautions which include hand hygiene, wearing gloves, masks and protective eyewear for all procedures. Any sharp disposable instruments are removed immediately to prevent the possibility of needlestick injury to you and our team.
Some of our patients require some assistance with managing treatment. For a variety of reasons (e.g. anxiety associated with dental treatment), we offer the option of oral sedation so that you can be treated while relaxed.
Please speak to your Endodontist regarding this and a suitable option can be tailored to your needs. An information sheet will be provided detailing the pre and post sedation care.
At Endodontic Solutions we aim to deliver results geared towards your dental wellness and this is achieved through employing the latest innovations in the field of Endodontics. Digital radiography, vision enhancing surgical operating microscopes, electronic apex locaters, rotary nickel‐titanium files and ultrasonic activated instruments will be used during your treatment.
Digital radiography is becoming more widely used in dentistry as it provides some very useful benefits. A digital radiograph sensor is used instead of the conventional x-ray film to capture the image and the signal is transmitted immediately to a computer. As the digital radiograph sensor is much more sensitive to x-ray beams, the radiation dosage required to capture the radiographic image is much less than that required for conventional films. In addition, computer programs designed to view the radiographs allow manipulation of the images to allow better views of the affected tooth from different angles and perspectives, helping in diagnosis and treatment.
The surgical operating microscope has been used for endodontic treatment for more than a decade. It allows us to see the operating area with enhanced lighting and magnification of 4 - 25 times. As the areas we are treating are very small, it helps us greatly in locating extra, calcified or blocked canals which may not be possible to detect without such magnification and lighting. With improved visibility, we are also able to locate pre-existing cracks within the tooth structure and determine their extent in the assessment stage. As these cracks can cause treatment to have a poor prognosis, early detection can help you and the Endodontist discuss plans for alternative management options.
Electronic apex (root-end) locators are used to help estimate the length of the root canal electronically. As the tooth root is a three-dimensional structure, using a two-dimensional radiograph to determine root canal length may be a less accurate method. We combine the two methods to ensure the best results are achieved for you.
Rotary nickel-titanium instruments are used in conjunction with antibacterial irrigating solutions and traditional stainless-steel instruments to help negotiate clean and shape the root canal system. As these files are much more flexible than traditional stainless steel files, they provide a more predictable result in shaping the root canal system and can avoid some of the problems associated with traditional endodontic procedures.
Ultrasonic instruments can be used for locating root canals, disinfection of the root canal system by agitating root canal irrigant solutions, cleaning out obstructions or debris in root canal systems and also for surgical management of the root end. The aim of endodontic treatment is to disinfect the root canal system and clean it as much as possible, and to this end, ultrasonic instruments aid in achieving this.
Level 3, 25 King William Street, Adelaide, South Australia 5000
Endodontic Solutions Pty Ltd
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